About FrML
You know that one girl you went to high school with, or met at a friend’s party, or maybe know from the gym (idk I’m just guessing that could be a thing, I don’t usually make it to the gym long enough to make friends…) who is an absolutely, undeniably perfect woman, wife, and mother? The one who makes perfect meals for her perfect children who wear perfect clothes that don’t even have a single ketchup or grass stain on them? Ya know, the girl that you love because she is amazing and kind and has all of the magical life hacks, but you also sort of hate since you are definitely sure she has been cheating in the figurative game of life somehow because, like…. Why are there no ketchup stains????
Well I am here to tell you that I am not that girl, and I likely will not be sharing magical life hacks with you because I don’t think I have any yet. On the other hand, I am the girl that will probably make you think, “Wow, at least I’m not her!” I am the girl who would probably be on “Nailed It – Life Edition” if that show ever were to exist. I am straight up, no bullshit, fully transparent about what real life looks like as a Stay At Home Mom with three kids, two dogs, two cats, one beta fish that has been alive for three years (whyyyy???), and one man-child, I mean husband.
YES I love my kids to death, and I think they are the most wonderful little humans ever to have walked this Earth. I have devoted my entire life to them and am very grateful to have been able to do so. But, also, YES, they drive me insane and, YES, my house is constantly a disaster and, YES, I feed my kids Pop-Tarts, which is a bummer, because I’ve never once seen any of them successfully finish a Pop-Tart without smashing the damn jelly-filled pastries onto some sort of fabric that I didn’t want jelly-filled pastries on.
So let’s just be for real for a sec. My goal here is to be open, honest, and transparent with anyone who feels like they’d like to waste their time reading what I have to say, all in hopes of making them feel validated, heard, seen, or whatever else they may need to give them a little bit of hope that they are not the only ones in the world who feel like they just need to call it a day. ‘Cause, damn, this season of life is a doozy! A stressful but wonderful, messy but beautiful, chaotic but entertaining doozy.